Please support our efforts in the fight against the Mafia which, in the Basilicata (Italy) has appeared for decades under the guise of “public administration”.


Please Support Us by donating now !


We have decided not to have any commercials or publicity on our website in order to be really independent and sincere. We have also refused to accept offers from American websites of 3-way link-swaps. We think that our decision is a good decision and that is being confirmed daily through the support of the people on the internet, which helps us with meta-tags on the various search engines to find our website and its content, to bring to people’s attention and make public the many shameful situations in Italy. Yet our continuing existence is not guaranteed. The costs which we have had to sustain so far in the form of court ordered surveys, lawyers, denunciations, trips to the judicial hearings and the permanent cost of the website itself are, in the meantime, difficult to bear alone.

We are quite aware that we belong to the innumerable organisations and people that ask for donations. Each one has the same necessity and urgency and although we know we cannot influence your decision, we want only to indicate and outline, that with your donation to you emphatically support a fight for democratic civil rights and transparency. An ambitious enterprise, straight-forward and tangible, based on verifiable data and facts-realised by people with ideas and conceptions in search of that justice, which the judicial system in Italy has not been able to provide so far. Your donation will contribute to support our plan.

Please support our efforts in the fight against the Mafia which, in the Basilicata (Italy) has appeared for decades under the guise of “public administration”.

Please donate now!

Reference/ Recipient:

DE 29 7004 0041 0410 1440 00 



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